Golf isn’t one of the easiest sports to start. Firstly, you have to learn about various clubs and rules. The lingo also isn’t something that many beginners are familiar with. Or do you know what words like birdies, bogeys, bump-and-runs mean?

If you are interested in playing golf but know very little about the sport, you are in the right place. We will be providing you with all the information that you will need to follow the path of the greatest golfers ever. You will learn about the right clubs to use, how to practice, and so much more.

1.   Clubs and Balls

Having the right equipment will make your golf journey a lot easier. Fortunately, you don’t have to exhaust your bankroll to get started. What you need right now are just the right tools to polish your skills. You can carry as many as 14 clubs but you won’t be needing 14 clubs as a beginner.

Instead, you should get yourself a driver, putter, a pitching wedge, sand wedge, 6 iron, 8 iron, and a fairway wood/hybrid with between 18 to21 degrees of loft. These clubs are the easiest to use. You can purchase brand new and used titanium drivers for less than $75 while putters are cheaper.

Additionally, you should try clubs before you buy them to ensure that you will be able to control them. You should also choose woods with more loft because they get the ball in the air with more ease. Your drivers should have up to 10 degrees of loft while fairway woods should at least 17 degrees. When buying balls you should consider the number of balls you lose in a round. If you are an amateur or you lose up to two sleeves per round, opt for balls that are sold for about $20 a dozen.

2.   Learning to Play

How you learn to play golf should depend on why you want to play. Do you want to play professionally or for fun? If you will be playing for fun, then some basic instructions and golf buddies will help. The importance of starting your golf journey with the right instructions can’t be overemphasized if you want to be a serious player.

While your golf buddies may have some good tips to share, you will be better off learning from a PGA professional. PGA professionals have the experience and training needed to teach beginners how to play. This will be as rewarding as playing in the best paying online casino Australia. You should ensure that your preferred instructor is a good personality fit. This will make the experience more comfortable and enjoyable for you. For instance, you should choose a teacher that has a low-key approach if you’re a laid-back person.

3.   Etiquette

After learning the basics of golf and you finally get an invite to a golf course, you need to learn how to act on and off the course. If not, you can easily embarrass yourself. The good thing is that you will learn more about golf etiquette the more you play.

To start with, your playing partners won’t appreciate you slowing them down. But this doesn’t mean that you should rush your shots, it only means that you should be ready to take your shot when it’s your turn. You also have to take care of the golf course to preserve its appearance. Ask for the areas where you can drive a cart and if you hit a divot while playing, ensure that you replace it carefully. Finally, you should always for your turn and know where to stand to avoid getting hit by a club.

4.   Rules

The game’s rule book is 182 pages long and you need to understand the majority of the rules. But don’t worry, not all golfers fully understand the rules of the game. It is okay to learn as you play and we will tell you what you need to know.

Firstly, you should never move your ball if you aren’t on a putting green. You have to play it as it is unless it is obstructed by an artificial object. You should also avoid hitting balls that aren’t yours. If you can’t locate your ball after five minutes, you should take a one-stroke penalty. You can then take a fresh shot close to the previous spot. Finally, you should always play within the golf course.

5.   What to Wear

Knowing how to play is essential, but you also need to what to wear to a golf course. Several courses have a certain dress code and while they have varying levels of strictness, it is always a good thing to dress sharp. Men are usually required to wear collared shirts (women don’t usually have to). Also, you should stick to khakis because they are widely accepted and super comfortable to play in. Sneakers are more suitable for beginners than golf shoes. Finally, you should protect yourself from the sun with sunblock, sunglasses, and a baseball cap. You will need a jacket and towel in wet conditions.


The tips that we have mentioned in this article will get you off and running on your journey on the golf course. However, you should take things slowly and do your best to enjoy the process. Golf isn’t an easy game to master and the best golfers usually need years of practice. So, ensure that you have fun playing the greatest game ever.

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